Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

At Cavalry Primary School, we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that all learners should be able to reach their full potential. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged in any way, receive high quality teaching, show improving attainment sustained over time and receive targeted support where necessary.


Our approach is rooted in robust diagnostic assessments. We aim to act early to intervene where children begin to fall behind the expected outcomes for their age group. This is a whole school approach with high expectations and challenge for those who are disadvantaged. In addition to this, we aim to provide all children with access to a variety of exciting opportunities and a rich and varied curriculum.

Our goal is to ensure that our disadvantaged pupils gain as much from education as their peers and that they and their families value and understand the impact of education on life chances. The success of our strategy will be measured by:

  • High attendance and punctuality for all

  • Progress and outcomes for all children compares favourable to local and national data 

  • All children take advantage of the extra-curricular/ wider opportunities that the school offers to support cultural capital and interest in the world, and a love of learning.

  • The strong relationships the school has with parents, including parents of our disadvantaged pupils.

For further information please visit http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium

A University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner School
Elliot Foundation
Smart Cafe
Artsmark - Awarded