Welcome to Cavalry Primary School
Worried about a child?
Safeguarding at Cavalry School - during the holidays
If a child is in immediate danger or at risk of immediate harm, you should contact the Police on 999
If you are concerned about a child you should share your concern with our local Children’s Social Care Service by calling Cambridgeshire Children's Services on 01733 234724 or using https://cambridgeshire-self.
You can also contact the NSPCC for advice on 0808 800 5000 or email help@NSPCC.org.uk
If you have non urgent information about the safety or welfare of a child to share with the safeguarding team at Cavalry School then please email safeguarding1@cavalryprimary.
Please note, this email is only monitored once daily during school holidays, it is not monitored during weekends.
If you need an immediate response or if you are concerned for a child’s immediate safety or welfare please contact the Police.
Mrs Fiona McCallum