Extra Curricular opportunities at Cavalry

Sports, Councils and Clubs

Extra Curricular opportunities at Cavalry
At Cavalry we pride ourselves on offering many different extra-curricular activities to our children. As well as the opportunity to learn how to play a brass or woodwind instrument, we offer a wide range of music, sports, languages and art clubs for children from Year 1 to Year 6. If your child is interested in learning a new skill then please talk to them about which clubs are on offer to them. Where possible, we encourage children to join clubs midway through the year too... quite often they can become interested in a club once they see others taking part! Do encourage your child to talk to us when they express an interest in taking part!
We are very excited to share our list of clubs and activities for the term ahead with you. You can see the full range of clubs on the PDF below. 
  • Regular attendance at each club is really important as we work towards competitions or performances. Please ensure your child lets the club leader know if they won’t be in attendance each week. Alternatively, a quick call to the office will ensure the message gets passed on.
  • The library will be open at lunchtime daily where a member of staff will be on hand to support the completion of homework or for quiet reading.
  • Further information about signing up for the Football Fun Factory sessions will be made available over the next few weeks.
  • If your child will be attending a Sports Club which takes place outside please send them with a waterproof and jogging bottoms/ fleece jacket in the colder weather, as light rain and cold weather won’t stop play!!! The club will still go ahead if the weather is very wet but will switch to speed stacking indoors.
  • It is usual for clubs to finish a week before the end of each term and start a week or so after the start of each term. We send Parentpay messages about dates to help give early notice of when clubs will not run. We also try not to cancel after school activities even if the lead teacher is not available, another activity is usually offered.
A University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner School
Elliot Foundation
Asthma Friendly
School Games Platinum 19-20
Artsmark Platinum