Keeping Safe Online

Using the internet at school is a part of our everyday learning. We use it in many different ways, to enhance teaching and learning. Within school, our internet access is filtered to minimise possible access to inappropriate webpages, and activity on our school network is monitored to prevent the misuse of it. 

Now, many children also have access to the internet at home, on mobile phones, tablets, computers and console games. They use this technology to work, play games and chat to their friends. The internet is an exciting place in which children (and adults!) have the world at their finger tips, at the click of a mouse.  We wouldn't allow our children to visit any other exciting place without making sure they can keep themselves safe, and the same thing applies to the internet.

Take a look at this website for advice on keeping your child safe:

A University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner School
Elliot Foundation
Smart Cafe
Artsmark - Awarded