
In 2021 we introduced the scheme 'Maths No Problem' across the school - this is one of the DfE approved resources to support a mastery approach to mathematics and draws greatly on the successful teaching methods used in Singapore.

Mathematics is taught in daily lessons. It includes using and applying numeracy skills in number work including mental work, learning to measure, handling data and understanding shape and space. Each year, the children follow a programme of work which builds on what has been learnt before. In addition to these lessons, Mathematics is practised in other areas of the curriculum such as in Science, Design Technology, Art, History, Geography, P.E. and Computing.
Children are introduced to the processes of calculation through practical, oral and mental activities. As children begin to understand the underlying ideas, they develop ways of recording to support their thinking and calculation methods, use particular methods that apply to special cases and learn to interpret and use the signs and symbols involved. Over time children learn how to use models and images to support their mental and informal written methods of calculation. At whatever stage in their learning, and whatever method is being used, calculation is underpinned by a secure and appropriate knowledge of number facts, along with those mental skills that are needed to carry out the process and judge if it was successful.

Children are introduced to new stages of calculation by drawing and building upon prior knowledge and scaffolding their understanding with tangible resources (where appropriate).There is a considerable emphasis on teaching mental calculation strategies. Informal written recording takes place regularly and is an important part of learning and understanding. Some recording takes the form of jottings, which are used to support children’s thinking. As children's mental methods are strengthened and refined, so too are their informal written methods. More formal written methods follow only when the child is able to use a wide range of mental calculation strategies. Informal written methods become more efficient and succinct and lead to efficient written methods that can be used more generally.

Our Calculation Policy contains the key pencil and paper procedures that will be taught within our school. It has been written to ensure consistency and progression throughout the school and reflects a whole school agreement. It can be downloaded below.
A University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner School
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